Exchanging ideas face-to-face, getting to know new research environments and initiating collaborations are crucial for scientific excellence and innovative research in the cutting-edge field of modern AI.
To foster exchange among scientists in Europe, several projects building on ELLIS like the EU-funded projects ELISE, ELSA and ELIAS, and the graduate school ELIZA support junior researchers like ELLIS PhD students and senior researchers with mobility grants.
The ELLIS Program ‘Machine Learning for Molecule Discovery’ works at the intersection of machine learning and molecular science in Europe. It focuses on establishing a dialogue between domain experts and machine learning researchers to ensure that machine learning positively impacts real world scenarios.
From the “ELLIS/ELISE AI for Learning Weather and Climate” workshop, Gustau Camps-Valls, Co-Director of the ELLIS Program ‘Machine Learning for Earth and Climate Sciences’, highlights the crucial role of Artificial Intelligence in addressing climate change.
ELLIS Workshop on Robustness in Large Language Models (RobustLLMs) is a two-day event hosted by the Oxford Department of Statistics at Keble College, Oxford and co-organised by ELISE. The workshop will feature keynotes and invited talks, discussions and poster sessions focused on the role of robustness in improving factuality and reasoning, defending against adversarial inputs, enhancing reliability for real-world applications, and dealing with hallucinations in LLMs.
Do you have a news or an upcoming Elise event to share? Let us know!